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The ocean crossing Grand Canal in Nicaragua started


In the history of ocean transportation trade, people are always trying to shorten the voyage, to reduce the transportation cost, to improve the safety, to find more convenient line.

At six o’clock on December 22rd, 2014, the Nicaragua government, the Grand Canal commission and the investor HKND group hold celebration meeting in capital Casa de los Pueblos to celebrate the Grand Canal started. 

Nicaragua ocean crossing Grand Canal started officially on 22th in south of Nicaragua, the first projects include building the construction ways, temporary pier and part of dredging works. The whole project is 278 kilometers to connect the Pacific ocean and Caribbean. The whole investment amount is over 300 billion, will be finished in 5 years as planned. 

According to HKND website, the whole projects include six subprojects: Grand Canal (including navigation lock), 2 ports, free trade zone, holiday village, international airport and some ways. Also to build power station, cement factory, steel factory and other related facilities.

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