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Burma will call for bids for 31 hydropower projects


According to <Burma business daily>, Burma electric power department release news that 8 projects of the planned 39 hydropower projects will be developed by electric power department, the other 31 projects will be developed by Burma local company or foreign investment through inviting tenders . 


According to the plan of Burma country energy management council, Burma will build 43 hydroelectric power stations, total generating capacity is 42000MW. Now Burma government is still estimating for some hydropower projects, there are 17 projects are estimating, 9 of them refer to Chinese enterprise, others refer to India, South Korea and Thailand enterprise.


According to the special energy plan which is made by Asia development bank, 10 the future 5-10 years, 58 hydropower projects which with 45000MW generating capacity will be constructed and put into operation.

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