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France, Germany, Japan and China will bid for the United Kingdom high speed railway


Chinese President Mr Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to the United Kingdom from October 19th to 23. His visit will achieve fruitful economic and trade results which covering many areas, such as the intergovernmental agreement, financial institutions and enterprises cooperation projects etc.

Through the project of high-speed railway, nuclear power plant abstruse, financial cooperation projects, China and Britain will promote the in-depth development of bilateral investment cooperation.

In order to attract Chinese investment in Britain, the British finance minister Osborn announced to welcome China to participate in the bid of the project of high speed railway No.2 and the total amount of project is 11.8 billion pounds.

The project of high speed railway No.2 is an important part for the british government to rebalance the British economy and to create a "northern economic engine". The railway is from London to central England and northern England. According to the plan, the first phase of the construction is scheduled to start in 2017, when the railway is completed; the travel time between London and Birmingham will be reduced from 1 hour 21 minutes to 49 minutes.

Alston of France, SIEMENS of Germany and Hitachi of Japan are ready to bid for the project.

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