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CCECC signed the new contract for Abuja light rail project


In May 23rd, The Chinese Civil Engineering Construction Company (CCECC) and the Nigeria Federal Capital District Department signed three contracts with total value of $1.793 billion and a construction period of 54 months for Abuja light rail project, such as operation service, vehicle equipment procurement and second phase construction of light rail.

CCECC signed the new contract for Abuja light rail project

According to the director of CCECC in Nigeria, Abuja light rail project signed in May 2007, Because of a looming budget shortfall of Nigerian government and line adjustment, the project started in 2012. The contract amount of $823 million, and $500 million of them were preferential loans offered by China import & export Bank. 


The signing of new contract approved the satisfaction of the Nigeria government. As of now, first phase station construction is complete, to be Launched next year.

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